" Thank you for your important work."
Sylvia Kay Hassenfeld Professor of Pediatrics Chair, Department of Pediatrics Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Pediatrician-in-Chief, Hasbro Children's Hospital
" The Art for Life Foundation has provided a unique and extraordinary opportunity for the families and staff of George Mark Children's House. The (Remembrance) tiles have become a focal point of the garden but, more importantly, the creative process itself has been a powerful part of the healing process in the families.
Thank you for the compassion that guides your generosity. "
" The Art for Life
Foundation makes children's art come alive throughout the hospital,
and with it, healthy kids."
Michael Petrini - Former President
Children's Hospital and Research Foundation at Oakland, California
" Even when a child
is not critically ill, the experience of being in the hospital
is very stressful. We know that alleviating that stress and lifting
the mood of patients can really enhance the healing process.
With it's art programs, the Art the Life Foundation contributes
greatly to the healing that goes on at any of it's children's hospital locations."
Harris, M.D. - Pediatrician
" For six months our son has been angry with us and his illness. Today with your art program he smiled and laughed. I saw my son come through. My husband even rushed over today from work to see the change. Your program gave us back our son. "